(905) 955-2460


By Choosing Forever Green we guarantee our clients a well-maintained landscaped ground and nothing less. We take absolute pride in our work because we treat your property as it was our own. Unlike most companies that may only do the surface work, we ensure that all necessary tasks get completed to get the end result, a luxurious property.

Our Services Include:

  • Sodding
  • Pruning
  • Seasonal Cleanup
  • Power Sweeping
  • Hedge Trimming
  • Edge Gardens
  • Underground Sprinklers
  • Weekly Lawn Cutting
  • Small Interlock patios

Get started with a FREE quote

Roadway and Parking Lot Maintenance

  • Asphalt Sealing
  • Asphalt Repair (pot holes, speed bumps)
  • Hot Crack Fill
  • Catch Basin Repair 

For a total professional and elegant look choose FOREVER GREEN